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Hearing Aids

Adjusting To Your Voice with Hearing Aids 

You’re not alone – getting used to hearing aids can be challenging. One aspect of this adjustment process that can be particularly difficult is getting used to hearing your own voice. Since the microphone on the hearing aid is located close to your voice, it picks up and amplifies the sound of your own voice, which can be disorienting at first.

To help speed up the acclimatization process, we recommend that patients try reading out loud to themselves for 15-20 minutes each day. This can help you get used to the sound of your own voice and make conversations with others more comfortable.

It Takes Time

However, it’s important to note that real-world listening situations cannot be perfectly replicated in a clinic setting. That’s why we offer hearing aid demos with trial periods to help patients experience life outside of the clinic with their hearing aids. This process helps patients fully understand and experience the adaptation process before committing to buying the expensive hardware.

Our goal is to improve our patients’ communication and quality of life through the use of hearing aids. We understand that this is not an overnight change, and that it takes time and patience for patients to fully adjust to their hearing aids. But we are here to support our patients every step of the way.

Not All Ears Are The Same

It’s also worth noting that the adjustment process is different for everyone. Some patients may acclimate quickly, while others may take several weeks or even months. It’s important to be patient and to communicate with your audiologist throughout the adjustment process. Your audiologist can make adjustments to your hearing aids as needed to ensure that you are getting the most benefit from them.

Getting used to the sound of your own voice with hearing aids can be a strange process, but it’s an important part of the adaptation process. By reading out loud and taking advantage of trial periods with hearing aid demos, patients can speed up the acclimatization process and improve their overall communication and quality of life. Remember to be patient and communicate with your audiologist throughout the adjustment process to ensure that you are getting the most benefit from your hearing aids.

Adjusting to Hearing Aids

Adjusting to Hearing Aids

It takes time

Are you struggling with hearing loss? Are you considering hearing aids? It’s important to know that adjusting to hearing aids is a process, and it’s not something that happens overnight. Your brain needs time to adapt to the new sounds that you will be hearing with your hearing aids. In fact, auditory acclimatization is a phenomenon in which the performance with hearing aids improves after several weeks of use. 

According to Arlinger et al (1996), auditory acclimatization is defined as a systematic change in auditory performance with time, linked to a change in the availability of acoustic information. This means that while there is an initial improvement in hearing when you first use hearing aids, extended use will lead to further improvement in performance. Your brain will get used to hearing new sounds and processing new auditory information. Think of it this way: You go to watch a movie at the theater, and the room is usually dimly lit. However, when you walk out of the theater into the bright sunlight, your eyes need time to adjust. The same goes for your ears when you start using hearing aids.

Trust the Process

Unlike eyeglasses, which provide instant results, hearing aids require some time for your brain to adjust to the new sounds. When you first start using hearing aids, you will notice that speech, environmental sounds, and noise are all louder than what you are used to. This can be overwhelming and cause some discomfort. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that this is a natural part of the acclimatization process.

To help with this process, hearing aids are programmed to not be at 100% target volume right off the bat. The goal is to help our patients have a pleasant listening experience and gradually get comfortable with hearing forgotten sounds without feeling overwhelmed. It’s crucial to have patience during this period and not expect linear progress.

Hearing loss is typically gradual, so there are likely sounds that you haven’t heard in several years. So, your brain needs to re-learn these sounds and practice knowing which sounds to focus on and which ones to filter out. As you wear your hearing aids daily, you’ll exercise parts of your brain and auditory nerve that have not been active, leading to better hearing.

The Importance of Trial Periods

To facilitate this process, we provide a trial period. This is an essential step in the process of adjusting to hearing aids because it allows you to test out the hearing aids in different environments and situations. The trial period typically lasts a few weeks, during which you can test the hearing aids in your daily routine and get used to the new sounds.

During the trial period, it’s important to take notes on how the hearing aids are working for you. This will help us fine-tune the hearing aids to your specific needs. It’s not uncommon to make adjustments to the hearing aids during the trial period to ensure that you are getting the best possible hearing experience.

At your own pace

Adjusting to hearing aids is a process that requires patience and commitment. It’s important to keep in mind that auditory acclimatization is a real phenomenon that can take several weeks to occur fully. Taking advantage of the trial period provided by most hearing aid manufacturers can be extremely helpful in making the necessary adjustments and ensuring that you are getting the best possible hearing experience. So if you’re considering hearing aids, remember to give yourself time to adjust, and don’t hesitate to reach out to us for support during the trial period. We are here for you! Ready to schedule a visit? Click here to do so.

Ear Institute

If you don’t use it, you lose it.

We’re sure you’ve heard the phrase “if you don’t use it, you lose it,” about a million times before. This common expression simply describes the concept that if you aren’t actively using something, you may use the ability to do it altogether. This is particularly true when it comes to physical exercise, but it also rings true for mental exercise. 

Did you know you should be exercising your brain just as you exercise your body? That’s right, your brain needs some attention! Our brains need constant training, just like our muscles, to maintain its health and function as well as memory and knowledge, two key processes that deteriorate with age. So, in order to live a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle, you should be working all parts of your brain. 

Auditory Stimulation is Key.

The significance of keeping the brain strong through auditory stimulation is vital. The auditory nerve, which connects the ear to the brain, must be exercised constantly. The hearing system is constantly working and is incorporated into most everything we do. Even when we’re not actively listening, our brain is still processing sounds and making sense of the world around us.

For individuals with hearing loss, there is a possible circular chain of events that can take place. These individuals may withdraw from social interactions because concentration may become difficult. Family and friends may perceive this as unsociable, preoccupied, or forgetful. These perceptions, however, can lead a hearing-impaired individual to be mistakenly labeled as angry, confused, or senile, which may cause withdrawal. Withdrawing can lead to emotional turmoil and even a decline in exercising your brain and the auditory system. Can you see how this is a slippery slope?

The good news is that exercising both your brain and your auditory system is simple and can be fun! For example, playing games that challenge your brain, such as puzzles, crosswords, and Sudoku can help improve memory and cognitive function. Reading books, newspapers and blogs helps to improve vocabulary as well as memory and cognitive function. Or maybe you would be interested in learning a new skill such as a musical instrument! Even trying out new experiences such as traveling to a new place can also help keep your brain active. Let this be your new excuse to travel somewhere on your must-see list! 

It’s important to note that hearing loss is not always preventable, and some people may require hearing aids or other assistive devices to help them hear. However, even with the use of these devices, it’s important to continue exercising the brain and auditory system to maintain healthy function. 

Exercise your Brain.

Your auditory ability, cognitive ability, and communicative ability are all linked with your motivational level. Here at Ecoutez, we want everyone to stay motivated and enjoy life to the fullest, and an easy way to do so is by taking great care of your ears. Make an appointment today so you can start your journey to better hearing!

Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Be Nice To Your Ears!

Our ears are a vital part of our daily lives. These small, yet mighty, organs allow us to communicate with one another and experience the world around us. Unfortunately, they are also delicate and can be easily damaged. Noise-induced hearing loss is a growing concern, and it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect your ears. 

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has set regulations to ensure that employees are enrolled in the hearing conservation program and that their ears remain healthy while at work. But this isn’t just an issue for the workplace. In all settings, it’s critical to be mindful of the volume and duration of noise exposure. 

Two major factors affecting noise-induced hearing loss are the sound level or the volume of noise and the duration of exposure. The louder a noise or music, the less amount of time you should spend listening. This is where NOISHA comes into play. NOISHA is the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and they have set the recommended exposure limit for noise in non-occupational settings. It’s essential to be aware of these guidelines, as overexposure to loud sounds can cause permanent damage to our ears. 

Our Lives Are Noisy!

There are several examples of non-occupational exposure to loud sounds. This includes shooting guns, riding on motorcycles, attending a NASCAR race, going to a concert, and even listening to music with headphones or earbuds. If you’ve ever found that after a concert your hearing seems muffled or notice you have a slight ringing in your ears, your ears are giving you a warning. This change in hearing post-concert is what we call a Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS). TTS occurs  after noise exposure but recovers back to normal after 10 to 72 hours. When you are younger, your ears typically bounce back after a loud concert, although not always. However, repeated exposure can change temporary shifts into a permanent threshold shift, which is irreversible. 

How Do I Protect My Ears?

So, what can you do to protect your ears? The first step is to simply be aware of the nose levels in your environment. If you’re attending a concert or working in a loud place, make sure you are using earplugs or other protective gear. Also, take breaks by stepping away from the noise when possible to give your ears a chance to rest and recover. 

Additionally, you can take steps to promote your overall ear health. This includes avoiding the use of cotton swags, no matter how good it feels, and other objects to clean the inside of your ears. If you experience any change in hearing or have pain or discomfort in your ears, seek medical attention.

The ears are a precious gift that should be properly cared for, just like other parts of your body. By taking proper precautions and using protection when necessary, you can ensure your hearing remains healthy and vibrant for years to come. 

Stay tuned for next month’s blog where we will cover the best forms of hearing protection. 

Concerned about noise-induced hearing loss?

To make an appointment with our audiologist you may schedule online, or call us today, and we can help get you on the path to better hearing! To learn more about our other services check out our website!

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

To understand how hearing aids work, we first need to start off with a quick anatomy lesson. 

Let’s learn about the ears! Your ear is made up of three parts: First, there is the outer ear which is the part you can see. This is called the pinna and the ear canal. Then, there is the middle ear which consists of the eardrum, three middle ear bones, and a tube that connects the middle ear to the nasal sinus cavity called the eustachian tube. Finally, there is the inner ear which is made up of the cochlea, the vestibular system, and the 8th cranial nerve. Now that we understand the basic anatomy of the ear, we can get into how those structures work to help us hear sounds! If you break it down, sounds are simply pressure waves. A wave is captured by our pinna and funneled into our ear canal to our eardrum. The ear drum then moves the three bones in the middle ear which sends an electrical pulse into the cochlea. The fine structures in the cochlea then transmit the signal up the 8th cranial nerve to our brain. And that’s how we hear music, our loved ones talking, birds chirping, and all other sounds! 

So, what happens when a person experiences hearing loss? 

Well, as we now know, there are many intricate structures in the ear and damage can occur in any of these places. A conductive hearing loss happens when sounds cannot get through the outer and middle ear meaning the damage is located in one of those sections. Sensorineural hearing loss happens when there is damage somewhere in the inner ear. Auditory processing disorder (APD) happens when the brain does not “hear” sounds in the usual way and struggles to interpret the information sent from the ears. You can read more about APD by clicking here

Now, how do hearing aids work?

Hearing aids work by increasing the amount of sound you hear at specific frequencies. Since each person will have a unique type of hearing loss, each device must be specially programmed. It is crucial for a hearing aid to be fine-tuned. This is done through a test called Real Ear Measure. You can read more about that here.

Hearing aids amplify the sound through a three-part system. First, the sound is collected by the hearing aid at the microphone ports. Depending on the type of device you have, there can be one to four microphone ports. The sound is then filtered by the technology inside the device to help decrease background noise and increase speech clarity. From there, the sound is transmitted through the receiver into the ear canal. The sound can then be processed by the ear and brain as normal. So, if there is extensive damage to the ear, hearing aids may not be the best option. This is because hearing aids still depend on the fine structures of the ear. In a case where hearing aids are no longer helpful, a cochlear implant may be recommended by your audiologist or otolaryngologist. 

Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aid technology has come a long way in the past five years and now uses artificial intelligence to separate speech from the background noise. While the type of hearing aid device and the technology that is inside the device is an important component of quality hearing treatment, having best practice hearing aid fittings and a follow up treatment maintenance program is just as important. 

To learn more about our hearing aid and treatment options, schedule an appointment with our audiologist!

What are the best hearing aids?

What hearing aids are right for me?

Congratulations! Identifying hearing loss is the first step to take on your journey to better hearing. Now that you know you may need hearing aids, how do you go about choosing the right ones for you? We’re “hear” to help. 

What is your listening lifestyle?

Hearing aids are not one-size-fits-all. Your goals, your lifestyle and the type of hearing loss you have will determine what hearing aids are right for you. For example, there are brands of hearing aids specifically designed for someone who has tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. There are devices for those with severe hearing loss and for those who want the ability to customize programs into their hearing aids. Yes, you can do that!

Here are some things to consider regarding your lifestyle:  

  • Do you regularly enjoy swimming or spend a lot of time near water? 
  • Do you require a device that detects falls and can be monitored from a care-givers phone?
  • Do you stay away from large crowds and noisy areas?
  • Do you attend weekly meetings and get togethers with friends frequently?

Believe it or not, there are devices to fit your unique lifestyle no matter what it may be! Another aspect to consider is the amount of technology contained inside the hearing aid. Most modern hearing aids have some capacity of artificial intelligence inside the device for a number of reasons including to help you hear better in difficult listening environments: say a noisy restaurant. So, your listening lifestyle can influence which devices would be a best fit for you and how much technology your devices would need. 

 The fit of your devices

Lastly, the most important part of your hearing aid is how it fits. This is why seeing a professionally trained specialist, an audiologist, who is qualified to properly fit devices is vital to your hearing journey. Even the most highly rated devices will not sound clear if they are not properly fitted and maintained. Think: you wouldn’t just buy any size pants and expect them to fit! An audiologist can test if your hearing aid is properly programmed with a tool called Real Ear Measure, or REM. This procedure involves putting a very small microphone down the ear canal close to the eardrum. From there, the doctor will play some noise for the microphone. There are different types of noises depending on multiple factors including your type of hearing loss. This will allow the doctor to see exactly how much volume the hearing aid is providing based on the size and shape of your ear. See how personalized a hearing aid fitting is? If you think about it, a noise will sound different in a tiny closet versus in an auditorium. So, this test allows us to customize the hearing aid for your specific ear versus leaving the device on the standard settings. 

We hope you can see just how personal choosing a hearing aid is. If you need assistance getting fitted for your specific needs, feel free to make an appointment or call our office and we would be happy to help you take your first step to better hearing!

Ready for a trial?

At Ecoutez Hearing Aid Boutique in Southlake Texas we offer a try before you buy program. You read that right, trial the best hearing aids from top brands from the comfort of your home before you commit to a purchase. Use the link below to schedule your hearing aid trial appointment or click HERE to learn more about our services.

Click HERE to schedule a complementary hearing aid trial!

How do I know I need Hearing Aids?

Its typical that someone may not realize they have a hearing loss when they aren’t sure what signs to look for. While it can be very obvious that a hearing loss is present, sometimes it is easy to overlook the signs of hearing loss. This is mostly due to the fact that hearing loss is generally a gradual occurrence, happening over a long span of time. 

Here are 5 common signs that you might need hearing aids:

  1. You have trouble focusing on a conversation when multiple people are talking at the same time.

While some people may equate this to an inability to focus, ADHD, or other diagnosis, having difficulty following a conversation while multiple people are talking is a common sign that you may have trouble hearing.

While you may be able to “hear” what the person is saying, not being able to understand what they are saying while other noise is present is one of the earliest indicators of hearing loss. 

If you are unsure if you are experiencing this issue, pay attention next time you are at the dinner table. Be aware of how often you have to ask someone to repeat something they’ve said, or be more conscious of how often you are having trouble understanding. 

  1. You can’t hear someone when you can’t see their face. You can’t hear someone when you can’t see their lips. 

This is a tricky one for most people! Some think that it is normal to not be able to understand someone when they look another direction during a conversation but this is not the case. There shouldn’t be a big change in your ability to understand someone just because they are not facing you, as long as they are in an optimal range for hearing.

There are a lot of reasons why you may not be able to see someone’s face or lips during a conversation. If you cannot understand others when they are not looking directly at you, then it is a good sign that your sense of sight may be compensating for a hearing issue. 

  1. You feel exhausted, frustrated, irritable or completely withdrawn

Hearing loss can lead you to feel all of these emotions. The brain is working overtime to make up for a hearing loss and can lead to fatigue after a day or even just a few hours of having to actively listen and communicate. You may not even be aware that this additional strain on your brain is happening. 

For example, if you spend your day asking for repetition, straining to hear, not being able to have quality conversations, and losing focus, you may have hearing loss that needs to be addressed.  

Starting to feel withdrawn from friends and family or from your responsibilities is also a possible side effect, which is why we say good hearing connects you to others and is important for cognitive health. 

  1. You aren’t able to enjoy music.  You don’t enjoy music like you used to or you have difficulty talking on the phone

This may be surprising to some but an early sign of hearing loss is not being able to enjoy music like you once did. This can cause irritation. Difficulty having phone conversations is also a big indicator that hearing loss may be present. This can also cause people to feel withdrawn.

Hearing loss doesn’t always look obvious. Make sure you are aware of the small signs of possible impaired hearing to prevent long term effects.

Schedule a hearing test with us to learn about the side effects of hearing loss.

Will my insurance cover the cost of my hearing aids? 

When you have identified a hearing loss and are ready to purchase hearing aids you may be thinking to yourself, will my health insurance cover the cost of my hearing aids? Generally speaking, hearing aids are not covered by insurance. However, there are plans that will cover a portion of the cost. Knowing if your health insurance plan has coverage for hearing aids, and the amount of coverage, can be tricky. At Ecoutez Hearing Aid Boutique we have a team of billing professionals who will complete a hearing aid coverage quote from your health insurance plan so there is no need to stress about contacting the company on your own.  

Does Medicare have hearing aid coverage? 

No. Medicare will not cover the cost of hearing aids. If you have a supplemental plan to your Medicare coverage it is likely they will follow Medicare’s guidelines and not provide coverage for hearing aids. Some people will have multiple health insurance plans, or a primary and secondary. In that case, there are plans that will cover a portion of the hearing aid cost even if you have Medicare as your secondary. If you are unsure if your Medicare supplemental plan has hearing aid coverage our team at Ecoutez will be happy to verify any hearing aid benefits with you at the time of your hearing test.  

I have hearing aid coverage, but I am not sure which Audiologist is in my network? 

There are two simple ways to verify if your Audiologist is in network with your health insurance plan. Most health insurances plans will have a “Find a doctor” portal on their website. If you use this tool, you will be able to locate an Audiologist that is in network with your specific plan. Don’t like messing with computers or are unable to find this tool on your insurance website? Just call! We will be happy to answer your questions about specific health insurance plan coverage. 

What insurance companies are you in network with? 

If your doctor is in network with your insurance company, it means they have a predetermined contract established to see their customers at a negotiated rate. The health insurance companies that we are in network with are listed below: 

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas 
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal  
  • United Healthcare Hearing 
  • Tru Hearing 
  • Amplifon  
  • Nations Hearing 
  • Medicare  

What insurance companies are you out of network for? 

Some health insurance policies will allow you to see out of network providers. If your plan allows for this feature, we are certified with the following companies: 

  • United Health Care  
  • Humana  
  • Aetna  
  • Cigna 
  • Baylor Scott & White 

How do I know how much of the hearing aid purchase I will be responsible for? 

At Ecoutez we pride ourselves in transparency with our patients. At your hearing aid consultation appointment our Audiologist will go over the cost of our devices as well as any coverage you may have through your health insurance. There are other ways to help with the cost of hearing aids, such as Care Credit.  

How do I utilize my hearing aid benefit?  

Once we have established that you have a hearing aid benefit, our team of billing specialist will take care of the insurance claim. All you have to do is attend your hearing aid fitting appointment and start enjoying the benefits of your new hearing aids.  

The Stress of a Hearing Test

Have you ever thought of a hearing test as a stressful or daunting task? Do you put off your yearly hearing test because you feel like you can’t “pass it.” It’s not like the tests we took in school or work settings where you can study or prepare and go in feeling like you are ready to “ace the test.” For many, this causes a lot of anxiety ahead of time, but hear it from me first, there is no reason to be stressed about a hearing test. 

I recently read an article called “Stress of a hearing test from a hard of hearing perfectionist” written by Ashley Derrington, and it really nicely put into words how so many feel when they go into any audiology office. You are not alone in your feelings. 

A hearing test has no pass or fail. I tell this to every client who comes in. It is almost inevitable that everyone will make a comment about passing or failing the test and I really do want you to know that there is no such thing as pass/fail for a hearing test! It is a test of acuity or sensitivity, and it is unique to each individual. There are normative data values to determine what normal, mild, moderate, etc. sensitivity ranges are but there is no “right or wrong.” When you think about it in that regard, it should be less stressful than a standardized test that has “right or wrong” answers. Think of it as an opportunity to learn more about your health and well-being. 

As someone who does have constant tinnitus and slight hearing loss in one ear, I do understand that sitting in a completely quiet room trying to hear a tiny beep can be a daunting task. In that setting, with headphones in, we tend to notice that we hear every single little sound such as our heartbeat, breathing, or tinnitus to an extreme. It can feel like you are not hearing the beep that you are supposed to hear because you can hear yourself so well during the test! 

The positive thing about having a hearing test, whether your hearing is in the normal range or not, is that you have taken a step in the right direction just by taking a measurement of your hearing. It is important to have a hearing test to establish a baseline of hearing, at any age. I talk to many people, all ages, who say that they have not had a hearing test since they were a child. If you don’t have another hearing test until you are 70 years old, then you have no idea what is happening in between those years. Hearing loss can sneak up on you as it is usually a very gradual change. This means that for most people, you don’t just wake up one morning with significant hearing loss (if you do then you should get into a specialist immediately as this is a different type of hearing loss), so it is a less noticeable change. One thing to remember about hearing loss is the sooner you address it the better, so get that baseline and know where your hearing stands. Here at Ecoutez, know that we understand that this can give you feelings of stress or anxiety and we are here to ease those feelings. We want you to feel comfortable and pride ourselves on a calm and relaxing environment where you can feel relaxed facing a task that isn’t always fun. Please let us know if you are feeling nervous before your hearing test, the feeling is normal, and we are hear for you!

Addressing Tinnitus as a side effect of Covid-19.

One thing is for sure, Covid-19 is constantly changing and our information on the virus is constantly growing and evolving. As an audiologist, I am always looking at whether the hearing system is affected by other health conditions. This year, by self-report, I can say that I have seen more young people with the primary complaint of tinnitus come in for a hearing test than in previous years. In most cases, there have been other factors involved such as loud noise exposure but many of these clients did have Covid-19 at some point before they came to see me. I have also been asked more and more frequently if the tinnitus or hearing loss could have been caused by Covid-19 and whether receiving a vaccination would make it worse (more on that in another post). As a provider, I cannot confidently answer these questions. The only resources I have are scientific data that is currently available, and to tell you the truth, there is not much hard evidence out at this point. Tinnitus is a tricky thing to measure by nature, because it is a subjective measure, meaning that we have to rely on patient report rather than having an objective test to measure it. Hearing loss on the other hand can be measured objectively using pure-tones and speech.  

Tinnitus is the sensation of noise in one or both ears that is usually only heard by the individual who is affected. The sensation of noise can be many things such as a ringing, buzzing, or roaring sound. Tinnitus can be mild or severe and affects different individuals in different ways. One person may just hear it in the background and not be bothered while another is so bothered by the sound in their ears that they seek emergency attention. Some known causes of tinnitus currently are hearing loss, history of loud noise exposure, blockage of the ear canal with wax, tumor on the auditory nerve, certain drugs, and injury to head or neck. At this point, there is no “cure” for tinnitus, rather we have techniques and tools to “manage” it. Research continues to be done on the subject but there is no straightforward understanding of all aspects of tinnitus.  

In my quest to find solid scientific data about Covid-19 in relation to tinnitus I came across a systematic review, done by Kevin Munro, Ph.D., a professor of audiology at the UK’s Manchester Center for Audiology and Deafness. In this review, Professor Munro analyzed 28 case reports/series and 28 cross-sectional studies which met the inclusion criteria. Through these reports and studies, he found that there are multiple reports of hearing loss (e.g. sudden sensorineural), tinnitus and rotatory vertigo in adults having a wide range of Covid-19 symptom severity. The pooled estimate of prevalence based primarily on retrospective recall of symptoms, was 7.6% for hearing loss, 14.8% for tinnitus, and 7.2% for vertigo. This data was compiled in December of 2020 meaning it was based on initial variants of Covid-19 and before vaccines were widely available. It does give a nice estimate of whether Covid-19 was associated with hearing loss or tinnitus.  

Looking at more recent data, it appears that there has not been another published study to determine the frequency of tinnitus associated with Covid-19 but the 15% marker for tinnitus as a side effect of Covid-19 does continue hold true based on patient reported side effects.  

Even if there is a connection between Covid-19 and tinnitus, we still don’t necessarily know the precise cause. Tinnitus could be an indirect consequence of the virus, or it could be related to other things in life such as stress, lack of sleep, poor diet, or overall health. It is safe to say that many individuals have felt an increase in stress levels over the past two years since the pandemic started. Although not true for everyone, many individuals have also reduced exercise and changed their diet and neglected overall health due to fear of going to the doctor.  

I do believe it is safe to say that current data leads us to the conclusion that tinnitus is a possible side effect of Covid-19 and could be around the prevalence mark of 15% of people affected. It is important to note that different variants of Covid-19 continue to produce different side effects so what may have been true with one may be different with another. It will be interesting in the following months and years to continue to track the pattern and draw new conclusions.  

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